Tashmoo Spring Building Park

Tashmoo Spring Pond, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568


  1. Tashmoo Spring Building

  2. Amphitheater

  3. Walking Trails

  4. Picnic Benches

  5. Free Parking

Important Park Information

Tashmoo Spring, once the source of the Town’s water supply, is now a public park, featuring a great variety of sights and activities.

An Overlook on State Road reveals a broad meadow with a view of Vineyard Sound. It is the site of a terrific sledding hill, but much of the park’s appeal is invisible from the road. An adjacent drive leads past an amphitheater that presents plays and events for adults and children throughout the summer.

At the base of the drive, overlooking a small freshwater pond, is the original Tashmoo Spring pump house. Built in 1887 as a pumping station, the brick Tashmoo Spring Building on the banks of Lake Tashmoo was fully restored in 2012 thanks to both public and private efforts. The building is a hub for weddings, art shows and other events, both public and private. The building and grounds are available for rental from the Town of Tisbury for weddings and community events.

For more than a hundred years, The Town has sponsored an annual Memorial Day Picnic here, featuring traditional picnic activities – music, food, dancing, boating, sack races, ponies, alpacas, and a shark piñata.

From there, trails lead toward a small dam (the Spillway) that separates Tashmoo Spring Pond from Lake Tashmoo.

Parking is limited. The park can also be reached by boat. Kayaks and canoes can be launched from Lake Street Park, a short distance away, and landed at the park spillway.      

For more information about reserving space for private events please see the Town of Tisbury website, Facilities Page:


Tashmoo Spring Building Park